Over dinner last night mom and dad told us about this guy they saw in Parker Az. that was running in a pod-kinda-thing.... hmmm they just thought he was another "little left of center kid"(like us) (Smirk). and that was all it took.
Online and there he was. Kid is relavent and so is "left of center".
Meet Glen.
(Bigger Smile)
I was afraid I couldn't find him but the tracking link on his website is the coolest.
Serendipity has always been a word I associate with my life. (n.) The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. And this was one.
Mom and I spent a lovely hour or more with Glen in the only restaurant in Salome Az. He'd met his goal, and we'd met him.
So for any of you following our Journey click on the link above to get the whole story and the picture above to see more of our visit with Glen.
And when you see the route he is taking and you are in the area make an effort to stop and see him, share a meal or a story . We are all made bolder by our efforts , which become accomplishments and maybe even inspirations.
that was fun.. See you Thurs..
Happy Birthday Lynne!!!!
I know your having a great time about now. What's this I see on your site?--your settling in Washington state? Gee-I was hoping you might pick Texas!! Anyway girl--I'll call you soon and party harty. Love, Gail
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Livros e Revistas, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://livros-e-revistas.blogspot.com. A hug.
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