Thursday, August 16, 2007


One more "Have to" stop before leaving Washington.
Stopping by N.Whidbey RV Park to say hi to Barb and tearfully bye.
This was our home last year and I really miss Barb but she admits to looking forward to being able to travel again soon(but right now without her this Park would fall apart) We got our mail, propane and a lotta hugs.

We left the Is. and headed east on Hwy 20 another untraveled road by the Muffin and crew... get used to more pictures like this as it will be my view for many miles.

I know I'll miss the mountains alot (it doesn't get much flatter than Florida!)We spent the first night at a WallyWorld in Okanagon Wa.
Yep we are in travel mode. Someday we'll take a slow ride again.

EasternWashington looks alot like_____. (You fill in the blank.)
And then we were in Coeur d'Alene Id. to visit long time friends from Tahoe.
yes is does seem like we cluster sometimes.

John and Joe at he and Dolly's cabin in Heyburn SP.

And here is where we stayed for the night infront of Howard and Joanie's new home in Id. Now she said she would send me a picture of all of us (I was being camera challenged again).
And then we were off.
A windy ride thru southern Montana and Wyoming.
We boondocked for the night knowing that we would rest in Sturgis

Lucky for us the Rally was over and only a few stragglers were left. Like this little toy hauller.
Hopefully tomorrow the wind will die down but we are skirting a doozy of a storm.
Next stop Ry and Steph's in Minnesota.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My Version of the Path to Florida From California

The house is done and the Muffin is packed but Ron and Mike think "just one more time and I may catch that elusive trout... NOT! they had to admit they have never fished so much and caught so little.

They called it quits. But what the heck...Look at the one that got away!
And with a fishing buddy like this at least it was a lotta fun!

Now we are on the road and this will be my view for a few thousand miles.
This is the Columbia River heading west.
We stopped in Bend to see Sabrina and Dave , a quick hi and CYA and we had to be on our way.
We also lucked out and got to have a quick visit with great friends and fellow RVer's Jim and Chris there for an FMCA rally where the were giving seminars on a variety of computing subjects.
Suprise Diane and Andy were also in the area so it was another first when we were all in the same place at the same time.... WAY COOL
Then it was a 1 day drive(in our time not every RVer's day) and we were in Port Townsend Wa(another former home and favorite place)
We parked in front of Tim's and while John and Tim played golf and worked on his garage I visited Aunt Betty and checked out the Uptown Sat. market
And visited Jeannie(cohort in crime, former employer and just "Too much fun!."

Monday, August 06, 2007

While John Is Away...Lynne Will Play

Although John and I work , play and live in an 8 by 30 ft. Rv we sometimes get the time to visit friends and family on our own. Like me last Feb meeting my grandson in Minnesota , John went to meet his grandaughter this weekend.
I dropped him off at the airport and took that time to hunt down friends I hadn't see in in quite a few years.
I started with Melbergs' a really cool family that I lived across the street from for many years.
Ken still cooks a mean breakfast.
And Marcus and Mike definitley aren't the small guys that used to play with Ryan and warn me when the bears were walking up my driveway. Robin (mom)is still putting up with them and I can't wait to go back and spend more time catching up.
I even touched base with a friend that I first skydived with, worked with for many years backstage at Harrahs' and is just what you consider a "Keeper".
Someone that no matter the miles or time you just pick up where you left off.
Believe it or not Jazz and I thought that the other might have died it had been so long! Whew! That is a scarey thought.

Sophie Meets G-Pa John

John has worked hard all Summer and while all that was going on Sophie joined the family. Now that we were pretty well done with the house it was time for John to meet his grandaughter.
A short flight from Reno to San Diego and Josh picked him up at the airport for a weekend with the kids.
After a full weekend visiting family ,working in the back yard and entertaining Grandpa , Sophie and her Dad need a rest.