Thursday, December 30, 2004

Oops I guess we should have noticed everyone elses hoses hanging on the rigs.
We made it as far as Deming NM our 1st night and were looking forward to an early start the next day but it took awhile to thaw things out. Perfect the St Clair Winery will be open. Chris and Jim had told us about this winery where you could bring your own jug to be filled...Brilliant!

I don't know if they were tasting at 9:30 in the morning but what the heck.

No this isn't the effect of wine for breakfast. It's the Las Cruses Big Bird and Ariel loved it . She finally caught her roadrunner..BEEP BEEP
After 1 night at WallyWorld and a windy day of driving we treated ourselves to a short day and a night at Blazing Star Rv Park in San Antonio. Its another Coach Connect park which means I can go online! (Thanks Computer Heroes)

Sunday, December 26, 2004

While we were gone Chris and Jim arrived at the cabin ooo hoo!!
Not sure how all this will come out but I feel good about it ..Adding new members to the horde is always good.
I'm selfish, never made any bones about it and sharing this solstice with "Mum" and Chris was especially fine.

Desert to explore.
Lessons to be learned.
Quads to ride ,food to enjoy, it all sounds so decident... I love it.
Christmas Day was fun. A brunch with friends and a quik trip to the "Bar in the Desert "where you can get an awesome Bloody Mary, live music and its all solar. DOGS ARE WELCOME which really excited Odie and Ariel.

But it all ends to soon . We head for Florida on Monday!

Sunday, December 19, 2004


get mistletoe
decorate your evergreen
Add the kindred spirits... and wait

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Mom and Dad and us finally took a road trip together. Hard to believe we have been living in RV's and not done this. On to Pahrump to get relicensed in Nevada. It was our first visit and this is what we have to show for it .

Nevada Cosmic Muffin
Nevada escape pod

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


We knew we had tickets to this Charger game last summer when Josh sent us a picture of them and now the day is finally here
Sorry you other Bucaneers they made me dress like this!!!!!!!!

Josh and Sandy are real fans... Thanks for an awesome weekend.

Friday, December 10, 2004

UPPING MY POUND IN POUND OUT LIMIT Well not really. Legally you can't raise your gross vehicle weight limit but most RV"s aren't made to live in full time. Therefore are not made to carry what you carry when live in them full time. We were aware of this from the get-go and distributed the weight and cut back on gear but knew overall there were things that could be done to improve our suspension. So we had extra leaf springs added to the rear-end, making the back of the motor home ride higher and also making it easier to steer. It was a noticable difference. We still watch what we carry but feel better about our safety. The people at Spectrac in Gilbert Az. were very knowledgable and even gave us a place to camp out while the work was being done.
We didn't even have to move to get the work done, just pull in the slides.

Saturday, December 04, 2004


I have no photos to document this event but this is the last one ... I promise!

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Power comes in many forms and when you live the mobile life you take it where you can get it.Here's our new bigger solar panel thanks to the good folks at Discount Solar in Quartzsite Az. it was quick and not nearly as painful($) as it might have been elsewhere.